

Thomas S. Inui, ScM, MD, MACP

Professor Emeritus, Harvard University

*Inui先生の著書 Enhancing the Professional Culture of Academic Health Centers(Radcliffe Pub. UK)の6章を福原俊一先生が執筆されました。

Summer Camp in Adolescence

In 2004 iHope invented a non-traditional organizational framework for education and training of promising young clinical investigators. Lacking academic policies and degree requirements, summer camp's essential ingredient was a passion for discovery and a commitment to developing evidence for scientifically sound clinical practice. Now almost ten years later, those who gathered are a vibrant network of clinical investigators, conducting research and publishing their findings in peer-reviewed journals. Like young adolescents, they are 'stretching their legs' and discovering their place in the larger world of clinical research. I predict that this social network for discovery will continue to make worthy contributions to what we know about natural history, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy.

If the network members avoid the ossification of academic institutions, you will be the envy of many in your own country and elsewhere on the globe. I hope you will continue to pursue questions of special relevance to practice in the community and with non-referral populations.

Most research is done with hospital and specialty center populations. By avoiding referral biases, your findings will be of greater general relevance. I also hope that sponsors of research will discover the power of your network to conduct work of general importance, providing you all with greater financial resources than you have had to date.

Most of all, I hope you will continue to follow your passion and be guided by your clinical instincts and curiosity. These habits will sustain your efforts.

Omedetou! Gokouun o inorimasu!






おめでとう! ご幸運を祈ります!

Ichiro Kawachi, MD, PhD

Professor of Social Epidemiology & Chair of the Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences Harvard School of Public Health.University

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of iHope International.
iHope is an innovator who thinks outside the box. Their summer training program is an incubator for future leaders in the field of outcomes research. iHope proved that even with a short (but intensive) program, it's possible to get dramatic results. Even with minimal funding and no official affiliation with an institution, they showed that a program that is dedicated to excellence and innovation can be a magnet for the best and brightest. The program showcases iHope's qualities of "disruptive innovation" –the faculty and students in their program are forbidden to address each other by their formal titles (completely unusual in Japan!). The camp deliberately fosters an atmosphere of free exchange of ideas, mutual learning and lifelong networking. There is much to admire in this model; I hope the continued success of the program will inspire other leaders to follow their example.

iHope Internationalの創立10周年記念、おめでとうございます。
iHopeは、型破りな思考をするイノベーターであると思います。サマーキャンプから、アウトカム・リサーチの分野における将来のリーダーが育ちつつあります。iHopeは、たとえわずかな期間のプログラムであっても、集中的に実施することにより、大きな結果を生み出す事ができることを実証されました。また、あまり予算がなく、権威ある機関に所属していなくても、高い目標を持ち革新的であろうとするプログラムは、優れた人材を磁石のように引きつける力がある事を示されました。このプログラムはiHopeの "破壊的イノベーション" のショーケースのようなものです。例えば、ここでは、教官や学生はお互いを肩書きで呼ぶ事は出来ません(日本ではほとんどあり得ない!)。サマーキャンプは、まさしく、自由な意見交換ができ、お互いに学び合い、生涯の人脈を作る場を作って提供するものであります。このモデルには素晴らしい要素が沢山含まれています。今後もこのサマーキャンプが、成功を続けられ、日本の他のリーダー達をインスパイアしていくことを希望しています。